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Emergency Notification Protocol

VT Alerts is Virginia Tech's Emergency Notification System. In a campus emergency, Virginia Tech will use several information delivery methods to reach you because, at any given time, one form of communications might be better to reach you than another. VT Alerts will deliver messages using some or all of the following channels:

  • The Virginia Tech homepage (

  • Broadcast emails to all accounts *

  • Electronic message boards in classrooms

  • The weather/emergency hotline (540-231-6668)

  • Campus sirens and loudspeakers

  • VT Phone Alerts *

  • VT Desktop Alerts

* Virginia Tech students, staff, and faculty may receive VT Phone Alerts messages and university ( email notification specifically targeted to university facilities in six key regions across Virginia – National Capital Region, Abingdon, Danville, Hampton Roads, Richmond, and Roanoke – as well as the Blacksburg campus. All other elements of VT Alerts will only be used for emergency messages intended for the Blacksburg community.

Official messages during emergencies and other incidents will come from the following social media accounts:

Learn more about VT Alerts.