Student/Employee Police Academy

Each year the Virginia Tech Police Department gives students and employees the opportunity to participate in a civilian Police Academy and learn more about the work the university's law enforcement officers do every day.
Through a mix of classroom and hands-on activities participants learn about safety and law enforcement procedures and tactics.
The academy helps people get to know the police department and learn what officers do on a daily basis. Officer Jamal Jackson with the Community Services Unit coordinates the academy sessions, with assistance from several members of the police department to teach different topics.
One of the most popular sessions is traveling to the range and learning about gun safety. During the course, participants also investigate a mock crime scene and present their findings to the class.
Other sessions include officer safety, violence and crime prevention, terrorism awareness, tactical response, K-9 operations, weapon safety, and cybercrime.
- Student Police Academy (offered each fall/spring)
- Faculty/Staff Police Academy (offered each summer)
We are now accepting applications for the Student Police Academy.
After completing the application, an email will be sent out to those who have been accepted into the academy prior to the end of each semester. Once emails are recieved, email a response to Officer Jamal Jackson as soon as possible due to space limitations.
Specific dates and times are announced late in the Fall and Spring semesters. Course topics are subject to change.
Registration for Summer 2024 Academy is now CLOSED.
Please check back in the Fall for Summer 2025 registration.
After completing the application, an email will be sent out to those who have been accepted into the academy prior to the end of each semester. Once emails are received, email a response to Officer Jamal Jackson as soon as possible due to space limitations.