Emergency Phones
Virginia Tech is committed to ensuring a safe and secure campus environment exists for everyone. The university has emergency phones located indoors and outdoors on campus to ensure students, employees, and community members can contact the Police Department as easily as possible. These phones help improve safety by providing the community with immediate access to the police department in an emergency.
Outdoor blue light phones
There are 118 blue light emergency phones located outdoors on Virginia Tech's Blacksburg, Virginia campus. The phones are available 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week and connect users with an emergency dispatcher with the push of a button. They also have a flashing blue light located at the top of the phone pedestal that is activated when the button is pressed for help.
A list of outdoor blue light emergency phone locations is available online.
Indoor emergency phones
There are 353 indoor emergency phones on Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg, Virginia, campus. The phones are small blue call boxes with two-way speakers that are mounted to walls in central building locations. Individuals are connected with an emergency dispatcher within seconds of pressing the button on the device.
The phones are located in East Eggleston, Owens, Price, Patton, Saunders, and Hutcheson halls and Southgate Center, Wright House, Power House, and the indoor tennis courts.
As of July 2016, the project to install additional phones is ongoing. When completed, many of the university’s academic and administrative buildings, as well as all residence halls will have emergency phones.