Child Seat Installations

To aide in the proper installation and use of child safety seats the Virginia Tech Police Department participates in the Virginia Department of Health Child Passenger Safety program, providing the services of certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technicians. This service is open to the general public free of charge.
- Per Code of Virginia § 46.2-1095 children ages 8 years and under are required to be secured in a child restraint device, i.e. a child safety or booster seat.
To have a seat checked email Corporal Jared Phillips to schedule a time to meet with an officer. Installations are done at the Virginia Tech Public Safety Building, 230 Sterrett Drive (0523), Blacksburg, VA 24061.
The Virginia Department of Health Low Income Safety Seat Distribution and Education Program promotes, purchases and distributes free child safety seats to eligible families who cannot afford them. The local distribution center for Montgomery County is the Montgomery County Health Department, which may be contacted at 540-381-7100.
The police department is available to give presentations and do seat safety checks at university and community events, including local nurseries, social clubs, and churches, etc. Contact the Virginia Tech Police Department at 540-231-6411 for more information.
- Safety Seat VA's YouTube Channel (instructional videos)
- Virginia Department of Health: Child Passenger Safety
- Safe Kids USA
- NHTSA: Child Safety
- Virginia Tech Police Dispatch Center: 540-231-6411
- Virginia Child Passenger Safety Information Line: 1-800-732-8333