Finger Printing

The Virginia Tech Police Department maintains a Live Scan system designed for inkless electronic fingerprinting for processing through the National Crime Information Center and Virginia Criminal Information Network databases.
Getting Finger Printed
Finger printing services for pre-employment and security clearance investigations are offered free of charge to the general public.
This service is currently available at the Virginia Tech Police Department Security Center Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please call the VTPD Security Center at 540-231-6411 prior to arriving at the Public Safety Building. For more information contact 540-231-6411.
What to Bring
Individuals should bring an Applicant Fingerprint Card (usually supplied by the prospective employer or agency requiring the finger prints, but also available at the station), and one of the following forms of identification:
- DMV Drivers License from the state in which you reside
- DMV Identification Card from the state in which you reside
- US Military Identification
- US Passport
- Foreign Passport with US Visa
- Green Card