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Scam Alerts

Common scams and what to do:

New Scam: Computer "Hacking"

Tired teen girl in the dark room with notebook. Computer hacking concept.
Computer Hacking

A computer hacking scam can lock a device's screen and instruct the user to call a phone number. This scam can happen by clicking on a link in an email, advertisement, or on a website. 

What typically happens

Your computer will lock up and a phone number will appear on the screen for you to call. DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. 

What to do

  • Do NOT give them any of your Personally Identifiable Information and/or bank information.
  • Try to use another device to search the phone number and research if the issue is legitimate.
  • If you need to contact Microsoft, use another device to find a number on their legitimate website.
  •  Call VT’s 4Help or Virginia Tech Police Department for assistance.


  • Microsoft or VT will never randomly contact you via phone call and ask for personal information and/or bank information.
  • Don’t click on suspicious links in emails or on the internet.
  • If you believe you have been the victim of a scam, contact your local police department immediately!

Random follow/DM from someone new? And they are likely very attractive.
The conversation turns intimate quick. They send you a nude photo and then ask you to do the same.

What typically happens

They threaten to send the photo or video of you to family, friends or colleagues unless you send them money immediately.

What to do

  • Stop recording, take screenshots of the conversation, and then report & block the user.
  • Contact your local police department.
  • Do NOT send more pics, pay money/gift cards or respond to any demands.


Never share intimate photos or videos with someone you just met on the internet.

Once your photo is captured by the other person, you have no control on where it is shared or how it could be used against you.

Ticket Scam (words only)

Often preying in Virginia Tech Groups like "VT Class of 2027", these scammers want you to think you received a great (dare we say unbelievable...) deal on the hottest game of the season.

What typically happens

They never send the ticket after you pay, or the ticket is a screenshot and not valid to enter the game.

What to do

  • Purchase tickets from official vendors, like
  • Know that there are very few "printed" tickets anymore. Most tickets are electronic and must be transferred.
  • Never post or share an image of your ticket.
    Someone can copy your ticket and scan into the game before you even arrive.
  • If the person is claiming to be a student, consider meeting in person. Offer to meet at the police department.
Research Assistant, Job offer (text only)

Did a random job opportunity fall into your lap via email?

The scammer will likely want a resume, all of your personal information, and your bank information.

What typically happens

They request that you deposit a large check and to send back a percentage of the money, but later the check doesn't clear.

What to do

  • Verify if the offer is posted on Virginia Tech website Handshake.
  • Never accept checks from persons or businesses that you do not personally know.
  • NEVER accept or cash checks that you are not expecting to receive.
  • Never give out personal identifying information over the phone or internet unless you are sure of who you are speaking to. Do NOT send a picture of your ID!
  • If you are suspicious about a check or unsolicited financial offer, call your bank.
Fake police, IRS, Professor (words only)

Feel confused that police are demanding that you pay them or send gift cards?

You're right. That's weird!

Scammers might also pretend to be your professor, coworker, etc.

What typically happens

They ask for money/gift cards to help a family member or colleague. They often ask victims to send barcode of gift cards. 

What to do

  • If they say they don't have access to the internet, but they are emailing you, they have access to the internet. They are lying!
  • Check the email address closely.  Scammers will often use similar looking emails that look like this: Emails from someone at Virginia Tech should look like this:
  • If you know the person the scammer is claiming to be, contact them directly to verify the request.
  • Police will NEVER call and demand you pay them/send gift cards.

Examples of recent email scams:
Email Scam
Scam email
Scam email

The Virginia Tech Police Department would like to remind all community members that:

Scammers commonly use scare tactics and promote urgency when attempting to defraud others.

Scammers commonly use emails that may appear legitimate at first glance, but are obviously fake upon further investigation. If you are not sure who you are communicating with, find an alternative way to contact them. One good resource is the search function of  

Compare the email address to the email signature on the bottom of the email. If the names don’t match, the email could be a scam. 

You should never give out personal identifying information over the telephone, by text, or email, to anyone demanding money or financial compensation.

You should be apprehensive of situations where someone overpays you by check and then asks you to utilize an electronic payment service, app, wire money, utilize a prepaid card, or visit a bitcoin ATM for payment.

You should be suspicious if you receive an unsolicited letter or email requesting you to deposit a check and wire money back to an individual that you did not request and have not met personally.

If you ever have suspicions about a check or an unsolicited financial offer from a stranger, contact your bank or the bank who issued the check. If an unsolicited financial offer feels suspicious, it is usually a scam.

You should never provide personal information such as dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and bank account/credit card numbers to anyone unless you are sure of who you are speaking to.

Community members should report all crimes and suspicious activity/persons anywhere on campus immediately to the Virginia Tech Police Department at 540-382-4343, or by dialing 911.

Anonymous tips can be reported online at

Campus notices

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