Personal Security

Stay aware of your surroundings. Perpetrators choose their victims based on their vulnerability. Some think talking on a cell phone while walking at night is a deterrent, but actually it is a highly visible sign that you are distracted.
Travel in groups whenever possible. Perpetrators look for individuals who are easy targets, in areas where they can hide. Simply one other person in your group can take away the criminal's opportunity.

If possible, always use well-lit areas at night. Never take shortcuts through isolated areas.
Use Safe Ride
Don't walk alone on campus at night. Use Safe Ride, a free service run by the police department. Call 540-231-SAFE (7233) and go to any campus building for free.

Know How to Defend Yourself
Enroll in a self defense class today. Go to our Self Defense page for information about our free Rape Aggression Defense class.
Keychain Safety
Never attach anything with your name and/or address to your keychain.
Contact Officer Jamal Jackson for more information and to request a safety presentation.

Trust Your Instincts and Report Suspicious Activity
If something doesn't look right to you, it probably isn't. If someone or something appears out of place in your neighborhood, contact the police immediately. Here is how to report something suspicious:
- Call 911 (emergency) or 540-382-4343 (non-emergency);
- Report suspicious activity via the Hokie Ready app (Report a Tip);
- Report via Virginia Tech's Online Report Form;
- Call the Blacksburg Police Department at 540-443-1400; and/or
- Remain anonymous by calling the Blacksburg Police Tip Line at 540-961-1819.
Click here for more guidance on reporting.